How has roofing changed over time?

According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, the prime physiological needs of any human being include food, shelter, and clothing. This makes it evident how the need for a safe haven or shelter is necessary for a person, to survive in society. From the beginning of time to date, people have been devising ways for building their homes and the oldest form of roofing was the popular thatched roofs, made from dry shrubbery, straws, and tree branches preferably, palm trees. But with the passage of time, the trends have changed and now there are a plethora of materials that are used for roofing in Los Angeles and elsewhere in the world. Even today, the basic purpose is to fulfill the requirement of shelter but the only difference is in the methods, in which the work is done. Back then, everyone used to do it themselves but today, people hire companies to get roofing in Los Angeles . It is not like the roofing processes were faulty in the past but it is just that nowadays, peopl...